Home Screen

The home screen gives user a clear and simple summary of the income and expense for each currency and account for this current month or any desirable date range.

Tip: The term balance in home screen equal to the sum of income and expense, it is not equal nor related to the remaining balance of your account or currency.

Income and expense for each currency for the selected period of time, default is current month
Chart and table of income and expense for each currency for the month of 2010-08.

Income and expense for each currency for the selected period of time, default is current month
Chart and table of income and expense for each account for the month of 2010-08.

By Month, Year, Range

User can easily select the specific date range of the summary, whether by using By Month ( in the format of YYYY-MM), By Year (in the format of YYYY), or select a starting and ending date.

Transfer: No

This is default. By selecting Transfer: No, the summary will ignore transactions that are marked as "is transfer - money transfer between accounts", because transferring money between accounts is neither income nor expense.

Transfer: Yes

Optionally user may select Transfer: Yes. By doing so, the summary will include transactions that are marked as "is transfer - money transfer between accounts". This is useful for user to see the exact money flow for each currency or account for the selected period.

Button - View Summary

Click to start viewing the summary, generating the chart and table for the selected date range.

Button - View Transactions

Click to view the transactions associated with the summary, this button should be pressed only after summary result is displayed. Note that all transactions within the selected date range(whether "is Transfer" or not) will display.

View the transactions associated with the selected date
The transactions associated with the selected date.

Button - Save To Excel

This button should be pressed only after summary result is displayed. The resulting file is in excel xml format, and contains 2 sheets(currency and account), user may switch between sheets to locate the data.

Export to Excel - summary result for each currency and account
Example result of the exported excel file, Please remember that currency symbol is unified.

Shortcut - Save as shortcut

Save the summary result of each currency and account as shortcut
User may choose to save the summary result as shortcut to view later with one click access.