
Reports allow users to quickly summarize their financial informations.


Date Range: Limit report to look for transactions within the defined date range.
Date Range (Both Date Start and Date End is blank): Look for all transactions across all date range.
Date Range (Date Start is set and Date End is blank): Look for transactions starting from Date Start.
Date Range (Date Start is blank and Date End is set): Look for transactions up to Date End.

Limited To Account: Look for transactions associated with the selected account.
Limited To Currency: Look for transactions associated with the selected currency.

Limited To Balance: Look for both income(positive amount) and expense(negative amount) transactions.
Limited To Income: Look for income(positive amount) transactions only.
Limited To Expense: Look for expense(negative amount) transactions only.

Transafer : Yes - To include transactions marked as "is transfer between accounts" in the report
Transafer : No - To exclude transactions marked as "is transfer between accounts" in the report, recommended.


Report will automatically sort its result in the following behavior:
Limited To Balance: Sort by amount in desscending order.
Limited To Income: Sort by amount in desscending order.
Limited To Expense: Sort by amount in ascending order.

Report Type - By Tags

Click "Select" to select a targeted tag,
This Tag - View the total amount of transactions associated with selected tags and all its child tags.
Child Tags - Display total amount by each of its direct child tags and sort by total amount.

Report Type - By Person

Display the total amount by each person and sort by total amount

Report Type - By Date

This type of report allows user to quickly access transaction summary by time, or find out how much is spent, for example, each day.
View By Day: Display the total amount by each day(1 - 31) and sort by total amount.
View By Month: Display the total amount by each month(1 - 12) and sort by total amount.
View By Year: Display the total amount by each year and sort by total amount.

Export to excel

After view report is clicked, and result is generated. User may save the result to excel by clicking "Export to Excel"